프로필 이미지
조회 7

Jong-Uk Yang, Gi-Young Lee and Rae-Young Kim, "Transformer Design Considering Fringing Effect for High Frequency Application", ICPE 2023-ECCE Asia, 2023. 08. 22

프로필 이미지
조회 211

Su-Seong Park, Min-Ho Eom, Rae-Young Kim, "Analysis of LLC Resonant Converter Based on Time-Domain for Accurate Analysis Tool", EAPPC & BEAMS, 2022. 09. 19

프로필 이미지
조회 145

Dong-Hwan Park, Rae-young Kim, "Model Predictive Control with Reduced Computation for N-cell Cascaded Flying Capacitor H-Bridge Converter in Solid-State Transformer", International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC 2022), 2022. 05. 17

프로필 이미지
조회 116

Hira Tahir, Su-Seong Park, Dong-Hwan Park, Rae-Young Kim, "Analysis of the permissible PV penetration level in IEEE 14-bUus system with and without ramp rate control algorithm"  International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2022), 2022 .06. 30

프로필 이미지
조회 108

Dong-Hwan Park, Su-Seong Park, Hira Tahir,  Rae-Young Kim, "Power Management of Hybrid Energy Storage System based on Single-objective Model Predictive Control in a DC distribution network"  International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2022), 2022. 07. 01

프로필 이미지
조회 79

Yeong-Seop Jang,  Rae-Young Kim, "Heatsink Integrated Symmetric Switching Module with Low Parasitic Inductance for Parallel Operation of SiC Power Semiconductor"  International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2022), 2022. 12. 01

프로필 이미지
조회 84

Sung-Soo Min, Jeong-Ho Lee,  Rae-Young Kim, "Heatsink Integrated Symmetric Switching Module with Low Parasitic Inductance for Parallel Operation of SiC Power Semiconductor", EAPPC & BEAMS, 2022. 09. 19

프로필 이미지
조회 163

Sung-Soo Min and Rae-Young Kim, "An Ultrafast Desaturation-Based Protection Circuit for GaN HEMTs" International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Systems (ICEMS 2021), 2021. 11. 01

프로필 이미지
조회 128

Meng-Yao Bai, Sung-Soo Min and Rae-Young Kim, "A Desaturation-based High-speed Overcurrent Detection Gate Driver with High Noise Immunity for GaN HEMTs Power Semiconductor" International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Systems (ICEMS 2021), 2021. 11. 01

프로필 이미지
조회 122

So-Yeon Choi and Rae-Young Kim, " Power Loss Analysis of Full-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter " International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Systems (ICEMS 2021), 2021. 11. 01


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