Digital Control Active Gate Driver based on Online Regulation Scheme with Real-Time Overshoot Measurement for WBG Power Semiconductors
Integrated Structure based Comprehensive Multi-Objective Optimal Design of LLC Resonant Converter with interlinking variables
Design and Analysis of Distributed DC Voltage based Grid Forming Controller for Bidirectional Interlinking AC/DC Converter in Grid-connected DC Local Grid
Design and Evaluation of High-Speed Overcurrent and Short-Circuit Detection Circuits with High Noise Margin for WBG Power Semiconductor Devices
Improved Gate-Voltage Driven Desaturation Short-Circuit Protection Circuit with Robust Switching Noise Immunity for WBG Power Semiconductors
Transformer Design Technique Based on Magnetic Equivalent Model of High Frequency Isolated DC-DC Converter with High Accuracy and Reduced Design Time
Analysis Method Based on Time-Domain Analysis for High Accuracy of LLC Resonant Converter Design
High Density and High Frequency Planar Transformer Based on Interleaved Serpentine Winding with Low Parasitic Capacitance for LLC Resonant Converter
Heatsink Integrated Symmetric Switching Module with Low Parasitic Inductance for Parallel Operation of SiC Power Semiconductor
Model Predictive Control with Reduced Computational burden in Flying Capacitor Multilevel Converter
Power Loss Analysis of Full-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter Using Improved Time Domain Analysis Method
Analysis and Design of Novel High-Frequency Integrated Transformer with Adjusting Leakage Inductance for LLC Resonant Converter
Spherical Flux Concentration Transmitter with Improved Efficiency for Omnidirectional Wireless Power Transfer
A Hierarchical Distributed Flexible Control Framework for Improved DC Microgrid Scalability
Vertical Lattice Loop Structure for Printed Circuit Board with Small Parasitic Inductance for WBG Power Device
Model Predictive Control for Cascaded Flying Capacitor Cell Multilevel Converter
Improved Distributed Control with Hardware-in-loop simulation for a DC microgrid
High Frequency Voltage Compensated Circulating Current Reduction Scheme for Modular Scalable Inverter System
Generalized Model Predictive Control Method for Single-Phase N-Level Flying Capacitor Multilevel Rectifiers for Solid State Transformer
Resonant Network Design for Reduced Receiver Mutual Inductance in Multi-Output Omnidirectional Wireless Power Transfer System
Two-dimensional Lattice Structure with Reduced Parastic Inductance for WBG Power Semiconductors
Impedance-Based Modeling and Common Bus Stability Enhancement Control Algorithm in DC Microgrid
High Power Density High Voltage Parallel Resonant Converter using Parastic Capacitance on the Secondary Side of Transformer
Efficiency evaluatio of the MG for selection of CB
Design of Magnetic Structure for Omnidirectional Wireless Power Transfer
DC Grid distributed control method for improving renewable enery penetration under minimized voltage fluctuation
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HANYANG UNIV. 602. Engineering Center. 222, WANGSIMNI-RO, SEONGDONG-GU, SEOUL, 04763, KOREA │TEL : +82-2220-0341
Copyright © 2019 Center for Smart Engery Grid – Energy Power Electronics Control System Lab.